Aston Martin one-77

Aston Martin one-77

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Home Learning - nothing to do with cars...

My badge has a Latin motto
Hope for the future
The future is hope
Or something

At times black crows try to interrupt
When we sing the National Anthem

It is difficult to maintain
The whiteness of my shoes
Especially on Wednesdays

I must admit there is something quite special
About the bare thighs of hardworking scouts

The Malay chauffeurs
Who wait for my schoolmates
Sit on the car park kerb
Telling jokes to one another

Seven to the power of five is unreasonable

On Chinese New Year
Mrs Lee dressed up
In a sarong kebaya
And sang Bengawan Solo

The capital of Singapore is Singapore

My best friend did a heroic thing once
Shaded all A’s
For his Chinese Language
Multiple-choice paper

In our annual yearbook
There is a photograph of me

Pushing a wheelchair and smiling
They caught me
At the exact moment

When my eyes were actually closed

Q1. You are to write an analysis of the poem given above. The analysis should include:
What were the poet’s thought/ feelings as he thought about his school days ?

This poem is talking about his school life, when he was handicapped person. He was in a wheelchair and he was blind, because "When my eyes were actually closed." is evident that he lost his eyesight.

Write a poem about your school days in not less than 4 stanzas. Your memories of school days could be happy, sad or funny. Try to include some of the literary devices that you have just learnt.

At the first day of school,
I was scared,
My mind was running like mad.
The people there are much larger,
Which makes me feel even smaller.

The teacher was at first quite nice,
But after a few days, she treated us like little mice.
When she was angry, she banged the table as hard as she could,
Makes the whole class in a very bad mood!

The bell rang,
The door opened with a loud bang,
Every part of the canteen was crowded
The food was scrumptious,
It's marvellous!

Over the years of education,
Never have we had so much learning with action
Such as camps, experiments, concerts and activities
We’ve learnt so much and even saved the trees

A wise teacher once said aloud -
Success is failure turned inside out
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit

Some may see school as a torture chamber
Some cannot wait for the holidays in December
But it depends on how we look at school
Honestly, positively, school is cool!

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